
Food. Required to live yet can be the bane of the cancer patient. There are four things that need to be discussed in relation to chemotherapy; nausea, pain, appetite, and taste change. As seen in the last post, many chemo drugs cause nausea or appetite issues so we shall start there.

“Nausea is a sensation of unease and discomfort in the upper stomach with an involuntary urge to vomit. It may precede vomiting, but a person can have nausea without vomiting. When prolonged, it is a debilitating symptom.” From the wiki. Chemo does something to irritate the stomach and intestines to cause this. There are meds to help stop it, some are very strong and will paralyze the nerves in the stomach so you can’t feel it. The nausea was worse for me on the days of and immediately after chemo, but it would last for the whole two weeks between cycles and would then get worse upon next treatment. It will change what you can or are willing to eat, for me greasy foods calmed my stomach so I ate greasy meats and avoided carbs. You may not know what will make nausea worse until you eat it or smell it, and then you can start puking. A friend came over after my first treatment when I wanted to die from the nausea and he made me some chicken noodle soup, which I immediately gagged on and started heaving. I wound up not eating for the day or two after chemo, at least no more than a few bites at a time, and one week it caused me to lose 15 pounds in one week. And this was one about 8 anti-nausea medications some of which were given through IV.

Next to this is appetite. Being sick will make you want to eat less and if eating makes you sick, just imagine. The hard part is food is required to keep the body as healthy as possible while dealing with the poison. The nausea may have no impact on appetite or the meds might change how or when you feel hungry. I kept an appetite, at least on non-chemo days, and could force myself to get some calories down. Others are not so fortunate and I suggest finding a cookbook if you or someone you know has trouble wanting to eat. The cancer cookbooks are great (I got one just in case) and cover how to get extra fiber or protein or dairy or just foods really high in calories or maybe mouth sores make it hard to have solid food so liquids and smoothies will be had. Nutrition must be maintained or it can jeopardize treatment or cause hospitalization. Chemo tears down the body and food builds it back up.

Another thing that might make eating hard is pain. I had none of this but have talked to several people that have. Mouth sores seem to be the most common but others may push in the intestines and hit nerves or the tumor and cause physical pain which can be quite excruciating. I do not have much experience on this one so seek help online or talk to your doctor.

And finally taste changes. This one sucks just as bad as nausea. Basically stuff you used to love you may hate and stuff you used to hate may be your new favorite food. I have had this after both chemo and major stomach surgery. This last time I have started to love greasy foods which used to taste horrible and are now kinda sweet and juicy. Taco Bell used to be one of my favorite places to eat due to taste and fun memories with family, now its all so bland while I adore burgers which used to be very meh. None of this you will know, I attributed it to an “off day” or “I am still recovering” but at one point I had to admit I just don’t care as much for it. Thankfully I still love pasta, that would have killed me with my Italian heritage.

Nausea can play a role in taste changes, if a food you had during chemo made you sick than odds are you will never want to touch it again, its psychological unlike the previous taste change which was physiological. I got sick off a bag of baked lays; it caused me to gag for some reason in the clinic and now just that shade of lays yellow makes me want to puke.

Probably one of the weirder ones in cravings. It is like being pregnant; you just want certain foods and want them badly to the point that’s all you can think about. Some days I would have killed for ribs or ice cream. This will either get a “I so relate” or a “what the fuck” from other cancer patients and again, nausea and loss of appetite are issues still.

Chemo Hell

I am back after months, the reason why I was gone is in the title, Chemotherapy. That has to be the worst experience of my life. For those of you who don’t know Chemo (short for chemotherapy) is a type of drug either ingested in a pill form or injected through an IV and attacks the cells. It attacks fast growing cells and keeps them from dividing. I suggest the Wikipedia page here for a more in depth look at what they are and how they work as this post will be more about my experience with it.

So I was on four chemo drugs and a dozen other things to make it more bearable. I went in on Monday for a blood draw, this would be when they put the IV into my chest and draw blood from it then leave it in for the infusions aka injecting the poison. I had a chest port installed as a semi-permanent IV location as it can stay in for five years and allows more to be pumped faster than a standard IV and is under the skin so I can shower, there will be a separate post on the port. The bloodwork would take an hour to come back and was for looking at chemical levels to tell if I was healthy enough for chemo that week, and if I was would then be taken in back for the infusion of one medicine. This whole process would take three hours and then I could leave. Would feel a tad iffy as if I had tried to read in a car but nothing too bad.

I would return Tuesday at about 8am for the second day of treatment. I would get to leave between 3 and 5pm. This would be when I got the other three meds, along with hydration to try and prevent kidney damage as well as some anti-nausea meds, maybe even a few other things as there were lots of baggies put into me on those days. I would suggest taking a blanket as the infusion center is kept cool but also the bags of fluids they inject can be pretty cold, they also had warm blankets which felt so nice to curl up into. This day I would try to nap through, that is pretty boring just sitting in one place for so many hours. I started listening to music or trying to play games but eventually those made the nausea worse. A few hours after I had finished the nausea would get really bad to the point of not being able to eat for several days except maybe a few bites.

Wednesdays were the easiest yet hardest days. I would feel like complete and total shit yet had to walk a mile from the apartment to the hospital all for a single shot. Now this shot could not be missed, I did the first week and so regretted it. It was a drug called Nuelasta and fuck it can suck. The shot forces the bone marrow to produce more white blood cells to bolster your immune system which chemo totally wrecks and must be done at least 24 hours after your last dose of chemo for the week. This shot will always hurt and is done into the arm or the belly. I missed it one week and when I went back two weeks later for my next cycle of chemo my blood counts were so low they delayed it and I got this stupid shot every day that week. This can also cause bone pain.

So what is bone pain you ask? It is very deep in the body and most pain meds can’t even get near it. It started in my pelvis as a pulsing and throbbing and spread up my back and down my legs. It would hit about a week after the shot. Some people Report that Claritin or a similar anti-histamine can help either reduce or stop it but I don’t have any evidence for such, took it of course because that hurt about as much as getting part of my jaw removed. The pain for me lasted from six to twelve hours.

So what meds was I on and what were the side effects vs possible side effects. Only the effects I could get will be listed as some can be given in different ways. Those of you squeamish may want to skip this paragraph. Methotrexate: low blood counts, mouth sores, kidney toxicity which in severe cases can lead to kidney failure, skin rash, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, increases in blood tests measuring liver function, darkening of the skin where previous radiation had been given, loss of fertility, alopecia aka hair loss, skin photosensitivity aka oh god the sun is burning me!!! Cisplatin: nausea and vomiting, low blood counts, kidney toxicity, ototoxicity or ringing in the ears and/or hearing loss, blood test abnormalities aka lowering of electrolytes, peripheral neuropathy aka decreased sensation as well as numbness and tingling in extremities, loss of appetite (not to be confused with nausea and vomiting -.- ), taste change or metallic taste, increases in blood tests measuring liver function, hair loss. Doxorubicin, pain where it was given, nausea or vomiting, low blood counts, alopecia, eyes watering, mouth sores, red urine for a few days after dose, darkening of nail beds, darkening of the skin where previous radiation had been given, problems with fertility, decrease in heart’s ability to pump blood resulting in a lifetime max on the use of this drug, leukemia developing, tumor lysis or health effects caused by massive killings of cancer cells. Vinblastine: low blood counts, injection site reaction, fatigue and weakness, nausea and vomiting, poor apetite, peripheral neuropathy, constipation, diarrhea, fever, alopecia, hearing loss, mouth sores, taste changes or metallic taste, headache, depression, jaw/bone/tumor pain, high blood pressure, tiredness, shortness of breath, muscle pain, joint pain, extravasation (the leakage of medication out of the veins and into the body).

So what did I have. Nausea, hair loss, nausea, tiredness, nausea, peripheral neuropathy, nausea, low blood counts, vomiting. The nausea lasted for at least a month post chemo, two months later still get bouts of it. My hair is finally coming back and damn do I look good and sexy. My counts were still low over a month after chemo and almost needed transfusions several times. I’m still tired and shaky having trouble walking without a walker and have the neuropathy that I hope can go away. The nausea though was worlds worse than anything else, even the bone pain and as such it gets the honor of its own post.

That’s it for today. Fuck cancer!!!

I am in the process of making me a “I SURVIVED CHEMO” tshirt =D