Surgery Basics

I figure for the standard person the idea of surgery is very daunting and intimidating, it is and it isn’t. The idea of surgery is, but the process is much easier than expected, this is being done out of necessity. I have had about at least a dozen, take that for what you will. Unless its cosmetic, but I will never understand going under the knife if not needed.

Preregistration is pretty simple and straightforward, get a date set and a time, make sure you have a ride for afterwards and realize you may need help for a little bit.

Day of, make sure to be there at least 30 minutes early, my last one had to be 2 hours early so it varies. This is to get the paperwork out of the way and so it doesn’t get delayed or cancelled from being late. Had to wait around for 5 hours once and that just prolongs the dread and the thirst. Paperwork is paperwork and pretty boring.

Then you go to a waiting room, bring a book. This can last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour and depends on if they are backed up and how early you are versus if they have a bed ready and how much of a cushion they plan for. This is one of the scarier parts as the dread comes to the surface and the waiting prolongs. Most is unnecessary worry, so just remember to breathe and focus on something.

They will then call you back, take height and weight, show you to a bed and ask you to change into a gown. Pretty straightforward but can be discomforting for those who are shy. At this point I am fine striping butt naked, they are professionals and who knows what weird shit they have seen. They will also bring you a warm blanket, these rooms are kept cool and also protects modesty. Then you have more waiting, always more.

Eventually they will come in to place your IV, fuck this step. It is actually rather painless and easy, but ties into another condition I have that is basically a phobia which I will get into in another post. If you have a problem with needles, tell the nurses and they should be more than happy to do whatever is needed, but it has to go in eventually. They can give you lidocain (numbing agent that works wonders) but can can burn if injected and there is also a cream version as well. I forego this step as a needle is a needle and I will feel it either way, that and just want it over with as this is one of the hardest steps. A small prick, or maybe a larger one but nothing too bad. The weirdest part will be the taste, they flush the line with saline and you will taste it. It tastes bad and salty and yet like nothing and will be gone in seconds. This is the sign the IV is in and all done as they just have to flush the line. Congrats, now the last bit of waiting.

This is the easiest step. They come, wheel you back to the operating room. Most surgeries will knock you out and the next thing you will know you are waking up and feeling sore. You may not even remember being wheeled back. The only two times I saw the OR was when they put the IV in back there and when they miscalculated the anesthetic gas when younger (I can have a high tolerance for that stuff) and woke up when they tried putting the IV in me when unconscious.

Others may do mild or twilight sedation, which you basically feel calm and just talk, or may feel giddy. Time flies under that one. The feeling is as if nothing is really wrong, they will use a local so you don’t feel the process. So when they are cutting or tugging things (had to have tubing put in, but that will be another post) it felt like trying to pull off a wet suit. Once done they bandage you up and wheel you out to recovery.

Congrats, the worst part is over. Next will be a pt 2 on what happens after surgery.

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